

Gender: Female

Height: 158cm
Origin: Legend
Region: Japan (Himeji Castle)
Alignment: Chaotic-Balanced

Osakabehime (called Ms. Osakabe in the "Saikaku Shokokubanashi" and Osakabe in "Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki") was a yokai who was enshrined as a jinushigami, a deity for the land of Himeji.
In modern days, she is known as the creature who took up residence in the tower of Himeji Castle. She may look like a black-haired, prim and proper maiden, but on closer inspection, one can see she is a gloomy, listless, and naturally lazy girl. She may act like a princess, but because her communication skills are frankly abysmal, she tends to just behave according to whatever tropes she knows offhand.
If you ask her whether she's malicious or not, she'll say she is, but she's really just playing at being a little devil. At worst, she'll max out your credit card.

Osakabehime left managing the castle to its warriors, and met with the caretakers only once every few years to give them half-hearted criticisms, all so she could enjoy her hikikomori life. Wars and even whole ages passed her by, and one day she realized that she was all alone.

Her position as a castle lord was gone, and those who recognized her had vanished as well. At least for the first few years she relished her new carefree life, but eventually she realized in a panic that, if nobody is aware she exists, that would be nearly the same thing as being dead.

Osakabehime protected Hakuro Castle, or Himeji Castle, through multiple wars. She did so despite knowing that it was pointless. She did so without being praised or feared. Even if some might acknowledge her existence, there was no one who could confirm she was truly there. basically the same as being dead.

Quite suddenly, and quite unnoticed, Osakabehime disappeared. Ultimately, she became something that was neither an anti-Heroic Spirit nor Heroic Spirit, and at around the same time she started to immerse herself in internet culture, becoming the Osakabehime we know today.
