Pai-Long Lee

Pai-Long Lee


The White Dragon"; Lee Pai-Long was a kung fu movie star who was murdered by the Tao clan to be Jun's Jiang-si bodyguard. He is a thinly-veiled reference to Bruce Lee, who died under suspicious circumstances. Technically, he is not a spirit, but a living corpse reanimated using Tao Jun's "ofuda". However, he can be considered to be serving a similar purpose, since he serves Tao Jun and hangs around her perpetually. He is known as Lee Pai-Long in the English anime.

Pai-Long was born on November 29, 1948 and died mysterious at the age of thirty; his body disappeared after his funeral. It is later revealed that Pai-Long was murdered to be Tao Jun's guardian jiāngshī. Once he becomes self-aware again, he forgives Jun for what her family did to him and becomes very attached to her.

Lee Pai-Long's sensei, Sha-wen (Shaolin in the English anime), founded a variation of the Chāolín ("super forest") Temple Style (a parody of Shaolin). Sha-wen created the Ruichong-quan kung-fu (Eijuken in the English anime). Sha-wen's Ruichong-quan kung-fu was the basis of Bailong's style, the Dǎodàn-do (dǎodàn is Chinese for "missile"), which combined Boxing, Muay Thai, and Karate. Before Pai-Long died, he intended to create a perfect version of it and he intended not to pass it on until he finally perfected it. Pai-Long died before he could complete his art form. Various Daodan Do moves include Fu chong Hong Zha si (dive bomber, a series of matrix like flips), followed by Hong Zha Jiao (Bomb kick, a thrust to the face using the right leg) or the Dao Dan Jiao (rochet kick, a sudden thrust to the body with the legs).

(Source: Wikipedia)
