Pariston Hill

Pariston Hill

Gender: Male

Pariston Hill is a Triple-Star Hunter and both the former 13th Chairman and 12th Vice Chairman of the Hunter Association. He is also a former member of the Zodiacs with the codename Rat. According to Ging Freecss, Pariston's personality is similar to Netero's and his own in that he likes to play around and enjoy himself, uninterested in winning or losing, which makes him very unpredictable. He always appears cheerful with a bright smile, making it quite impossible to read his thoughts and calculate his motives. This alone infuriates the Zodiacs, mostly Cheadle, Kanzai, and Cluck. He is extremely sly and gets pleasure from destroying what he loves most. Simultaneously, he is infuriated by and enjoys a rivalry with Ging; Pariston has rarely hated anyone, though he does awful things to them and is curious to see what he would do to someone he hates, with Ging currently occupying that position. He has a preference for harsh punishments for anyone who does him wrong. He tends to treat serious situations as mere games, such as the elections for the 13th chairman. When he wins the chairman position, he casually hands it to Cheadle and resigns. He has also 5,000 cocooned Chimera Ants for his private playground.

Due to his extreme unpredictability, slyness, shadiness and the tendency to test anyone's patience and temper, he is disliked by all of the Zodiacs and many Hunters in the Association, even more than Ging. Even Morel states that he would rather die than vote for a slew rat-like Pariston. It is also shown that Netero also cannot stand him and often gets into a lot of arguments with him, but he tolerates Pariston's presence because he believes that a yes-man second-in-command is too boring for him. Pariston became a Hunter in preparation for Beyond's expedition to the Dark Continent. Three years before Netero's demise, Pariston was appointed Vice Chairman of the Hunter Association, partly because Netero enjoyed how Pariston challenged him, and made him a member of the Zodiacs. During his time as Vice Chairman, Pariston handled the business side of the Hunter Association. During those three years, 18 Hunters went missing, an average of six per year, in contrast to an average of 0.6 Hunters per year prior to Pariston's term, which also included Ging. Pariston declared that if he became Chairman, that number would go down, implying he played a part in the mysterious disappearances, although he may have done so only to irritate Mizaistom,[1] who suspects that Pariston has ties to the underworld. Other shady dealings include a scandal in which funds from the Temp Agency established by Pariston were found in his account, which he claims was all a misunderstanding, as the money was supposedly a reserve fund to strengthen the Hunter Association. Through his Temp Agency and position as Vice Chairman, Pariston succeeded in acquiring a firm grasp over the organization, obtaining the power to control the Review Board from the shadows and thus give jobs only to his supporters.
