Pyrrha Nikos

Pyrrha Nikos

Birthdate: Apr 24
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Pyrrha is a student of Beacon Academy, and a member of Team JNPR.

She is a composed and collected individual who, despite being a celebrity, is modest and patient around other people, making her very sociable. Additionally, she tends to be quite formal. In addition to her impressive strength and vast range of combat abilities, she is a quick thinker, knowing her limits and assessing her opponents before acting. Her weapon of choice, called Miló, is a red-and-bronze spear-like weapon that can transform into a rifle or a short sword. She uses this alongside a shield called Akoúo̱, which resembles a classic hoplon.

Pyrrha takes her studies and relationships equally seriously, making her a bit stubborn and emotionally sensitive. This comes from her loyalty toward her friends as well as her good intent. She is always willing to keep secrets and help friends in need, and is selfless and righteous to a fault. Her limited experience with people leads her to apologize even when she's helping them.

She quickly became good friends with her teammates, especially Jaune, and also gets along with Team RWBY, often having conversations during lunches and sharing a similar schedule during classes. However, she sometimes feels that she struggles to make friends, as everyone sees her celebrity status before considering her personal self.
