Reijou Kenshi

Reijou Kenshi


Noble Fencer took up adverturing to become independent from her family. She was prideful, expecting to rise to Gold and even Platinum rank within a short period of time; and looked down upon goblins. However, her traumatizing ordeal with them crushed her into becoming a brooding woman fixated on killing the goblin paladin and retrieving her stolen family sword. After accomplishing those goals with the aid of Goblin Slayer's party, she is able to overcome her rage and move on.

Now known as Female Merchant, she retires from adventuring and becomes a successful merchant and advisor to The King regarding management of adventurer affairs. She is friends with Priestess and respects Goblin Slayer for saving her life.

Female Merchant has honey-colored hair and wears fancy clothing reflective of her status as nobility. She currently wears her hair in a short bob; having cut her pigtails off after surviving her ordeal with goblins. Female Merchant carries two weapons: an ancient aluminum rapier that is a family heirloom, and an aluminum dagger meant to aid in defense. Learned as part of a family tradition, she can also use magic to cast lightning bolts.
