Reina Kurashiki

Reina Kurashiki

Birthdate: Sep 10
Gender: Female

Grade-Class: 2-A
Club Name: Not a member of any clubs
Height: 171cm
Weight: 54kg
Family Composition: Mother, Older sister
Hobbies: Shopping, Improving Her looks
Likes: Herself, Her Cat
Dislikes: Frogs, Bugs, Ugly Things

Has Boyfriend: Yes
Boyfriend's Name/Class: A college student (*her fourth boyfriend)
Time in Relationship: Two months
Virgin / Not Virgin: Not Virgin

A bitchy gyaru who works as a fashion model. Her perfect facial features and fearless personality made her a queen-like presence at all of her schools. Her first time was in fifth grade. She loves handsome guys so much that you could say she picks her boyfriends by their face. She then judges men by the law of substraction starting from there. (*Generally she looks down on men.)
