Ren Kizaki

Ren Kizaki

Birthdate: May 14
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Height: 172 cm
Hometown: Overseas

Ren is extremely arrogant, referring to himself as オレ様 (oresama, "the great me") and easily calling himself a genius. He is also very rude and quick to pick fights, something he was scolded for in the past. He is particularly belligerent towards Takeru Taiga, due to an incident before their debut when Takeru accidentally punched Ren while practicing jabs in the street. He believes Takeru, who he calls Shortie, is the one person he cannot lose to and constantly tries to make competition with him.

However, Ren has demonstrated that he cares about Takeru, going out of his way to cheer him up at one point, saying it would have no meaning if Ren won against him when he's downtrodden.
