Richard Ranashinha de Vulpian

Richard Ranashinha de Vulpian

Birthdate: Dec 24
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Height: 179 cm (5'8")

A skilled jeweler who speaks fluent Japanese, despite being both Japanese and British with Sri Lankan heritage. His age is unknown and he has a level of unrivalled beauty that dumbfounds people, regardless of their gender. Richard tends to keep to himself for the most part. He is soft-spoken and very formal. As his relationship with Seigi develops, his stoic facade begins to fade as he opens up more, revealing a kind and caring person. Though he remains stoic, he has a love for sweet things.

1. Richard is a quarter of Sri Lankan from his grandmother.
2. Based on the novel, Richard's paternal grandma, Leah, was a white woman who was born in Sri Lanka.
3. Richard has an English father and a French mother. De Vulpian is Richard's mom's last name.
4. Richard can speak English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Tamil, Hindi, Thai, Tagalog, Italian, An Unnamed African Language, Sinhala, German, Arabic and probably others.
5. The name 'Ranashinha' in Richard's name is the surname of his master, Shaul Ranashinha.
6. His family calls him 'Ricky'

(Source: The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Wiki)
