Rinne Amagi

Rinne Amagi

Birthdate: May 18
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Unit: Crazy:B

An idol who lives and breathes his hobby, gambling, and treats his life no different than one of those gambles. He used to perform as part of a duo with Niki Shiina. Though a cheerful and generous individual, there are times he can be not only wasteful, but downright tyrannical. He is Hiiro Amagi's older brother. He likes to test his luck. With a voice that's mischievous, as if he were playing some game, Rinne's performances are powerful and larger than life.

Rinne is lazy and freeloads off others, often wanting to play games, gamble, and have fun with people, and avoids responsibility whenever possible, including unit practice. Treating his life "like it's a game," or more famously, a gamble. He makes rash decisions for himself and his unit, and more than willing to pull others with him. He refuses to take small steps and instead takes the risk without question, as it's "fun" for him, even at the cost of everything around him crumbling. He rarely listens to others and almost never follows orders, considered crazy or chaotic by others.

Despite his behavior, he cares about the people around him under his risk-taking facade and treasures them and his unit dearly, though he mostly shows it in situations where he takes the unit seriously.

(Source: Ensemble Stars!! Wiki)
