Rinne Sonogami

Rinne Sonogami

Gender: Female

Codename: Ruler

Rinne is a pink-haired spirit and one of the characters in season 3 of Date a Live. She appeared in season 3 of the series, Shidou went back in time to check back the time when Phantom gave the Sephira to Origami. Phantom then took over the appearance of a pink-haired girl that Shidou felt familiar with. Rinne's supposed appearance was actually Phantom in disguise since Shidou was not yet allowed to know who Phantom actually was.

She appeared in the titular game that featured her entitled Rinne Utopia. She appeared after Tohka's power came back to her and decimated Shido along the process. Rinne then used her Angel to slip into his life and create a world where Shidou would be happy for eternity. Unfortunately, due to Rinne having instability at her powers, Shidou and RATATOSKR have detected discrepancies in the world and faced Rinne. Ultimately, Rinne asked Shidou to seal her, but with the cost of having her existence gone. In the end, she was happy when she spent her time with Shidou and reverting to the present.
