Rinze Morino

Rinze Morino

Birthdate: Oct 19
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Height: 155 cm
Hometown: Tottori
Hobbies: Shoujo manga, Traditional arts

A girl with a calm appearance who embodies the spirit of a traditional Japanese woman and speaks in keigo. Her manners are impeccable and she tends to speak humbly of herself while being highly respectful to others. Because she was raised in a traditional family, she is unfamiliar with the world in overall and says that she likes to read shoujo manga to learn more about it. She speaks in a "slow and robotic" way and is constantly with a straw doll bag.

While she initially became an idol due to feeling an immediate devotion to Producer while being scouted, she's grown to be an idol for herself as well and has become great friends with her unitmates.
