Roofolet Ashe Sakuragi

Roofolet Ashe Sakuragi

Birthdate: Jan 22
Gender: Female

The vice student council president in the same school year as the protagonist. She's serious, hates losing, isn't honest with herself, and is a hard worker with a strong sense of justice. She loves eating and prefers working class food, even though she comes from a rich family-- high class French food gives her an upset stomach.

Her grades are kept at the top of her year level for just about every subject, except for ones related to the Japanese language where she is beaten by the main character. She secretly considers him a rival for this.

Her mother is a world-famous pianist and her father is a former violinist. Both of them are currently traveling the world, so she lives alone in their huge apartment. She had won a national piano competition, but she now strives to be a composer. The reason why she joined the Student Council was because of advice that she should broaden her experiences as a person in order to grow her talent as a composer.
