

Gender: Male

Beyblade: Lightning L-Drago (The Forbidden Bey)
Special Moves:
- Dragon Emperor: Soaring Bite Strike
- Dragon Emperor: Soaring Kill
- Dragon Emperor: Death Claw

Ryuga is the leader of the Dark Nebula and the show's main antagonist. He was in a coma for years, until he is awakened by Gingka and Pegasus. Ryuga is vicious, merciless, and enjoys terrorizing other beybladers. He gathers strength by sucking the power of fear and anger out of those he battles. His goal is to restore L-Drago to its full power and unleash his evil onto the world. Ryuga is the reason Gingka's father, Ryūsei, died. With the Dark Nebula, he attacked the town Ginga lived in. After defeating Ryūsei in a battle with his LDrago, rocks fell from the volcano on top Gingka's father. This is the reason why Ginga wants to beat Ryuga.
