Sango Yokomizo

Sango Yokomizo

Gender: Male

Sango Yokomizo was originally the head inspector of the Saitama district, though he transferred to the Shizuoka district soon after. However, he and his twin brother Jugo, who is also a police inspector and has remained in Saitama, stay in touch and have even assisted each other in various (and even locally unrelated) cases.

Conan often runs into Yokomizo when he is away for a festival, or on a vacation. It is hinted that Sango is the head inspector of a richer town, as he often is involved in a case at a fancy hotel, or one of Sonoko Suzuki's vacation spots, as well as the homes of her relatives. He is also the head inspector in most cases involving a famous actor or actress, and at many festivals.

Yokomizo is a capable police officer, though with one odious personal habit: he tends to get his face right into a suspect's face, study them closely, and scream into their face when he believes he is onto something, a habit which even he believes is a little embarrassing. Another trait of his is to speak really loudly when deeply involved in an investigation. His loud voice has received many complaints from suspects.

(Source: Detective Conan World)
