Satsuki Uruma

Satsuki Uruma

Gender: Female

Satsuki was originally Kozakura's friend, and they attended the same university. Before she invited Kozakura to do a 'collaborative research' project with her, she had already known the existence of the Otherside. Satsuki had made contact with the DS Lab some years ago, claiming to have a safer way of going to and from the other world, bring back UBL artifacts with her. With her experience and knowledge of the Otherside, DS Lab invited her as a researcher. She was also recruiting promising individuals to expand her investigation of the Otherside. As part of this recruitment scheme, she would give "tests" to those she took an interest in, ranging from giving them cursed objects to see how they would handle them, to simply taking them directly to the Otherside.

Satsuki's disappearance continues to be a mystery as she was not the type of person to discuss future plans and all her research notes were encrypted by her back at DS Lab.
