Sayoko Takayama

Sayoko Takayama

Birthdate: Dec 29
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Height: 156 cm (5'1")

At first glance, Sayoko might look just like any other honors student. That's not wrong, however, she's actually more of a hot-blooded type. She's been determined since childhood-- she’d always put her whole heart into things and never give up until the last second. However, Sayoko often lacks self-confidence, believing that she doesn't have any outstanding talents. However, her determination allows her to believe that if she puts as much effort as she can into her work, she can do anything.

Sayoko always takes her glasses off when she works, which she says that by doing so, she leaves her weaker self behind with the glasses. To Sayoko, her glasses are a symbol of her weakness.

Sayoko also seems to have made a promise to become a famous idol to someone she refers to as “that child”. There is not any information about him or her yet. They seem to have known each other since childhood, hinted at in the summer festival event when Sayoko made a comment about how "that child" had always invited her to festivals. No further details were given other than that this was a thing of the past.
