Shizuri Mugino

Shizuri Mugino

Gender: Female

Height: 163 cm
Classification: Esper
Esper Power: Meltdowner
Power Level: 5

Mugino is one of Academy City's Level 5 espers. She is ranked #4th and has the ability "Meltdowner". She can retain "pure" form of electrons (fix them in an ambiguous state which is neither a particle or a wave), and manipulate them into a beam which can melt down pretty much anything. She is also the leader of ITEM, the underground peace-making organization. Mugino's appearance may suggest she's gentle and kind, but in reality she's a sadistic, battle-hungry fighter who looks down on all she deems weaker. She shows a compassionate face towards her teammates, although she would dispose of them if they got in her way.
