Shou  Saito

Shou Saito


Shou Saito is a childhood friend of Akari Hizamaru and living underground with the Tokyo Mole Family. Saito is a tall,muscular man and his body is filled with tattoos from neck to toe giving him an intimidating appearance. He has a vertical scar across his right eye. Saito has a very aggressive and somewhat disinterested personality.
He attended the same school as Akari and Yuriko. He comes from a poor background and has grew up a delinquent. Later he became the boss of a small gang.
As time passed he became in charge of the people living in the sewers numbering 500. He considers them his family and he takes upon himself to look after their well-being.
Later he undertook the Bugs Surgery from Chinese agents in order to become strong as a mean to protect his people and to battle Terraformars because he could sell their bodies at a high price on the black market.
Due to his M.O Operation, he has gained the skills of a field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. Obtaining thus the power of the leg that defines the order of orthopterans and a pair of sensitive antennas (that connect directly to his brain), which allows him to feel even the movements of the air molecules.
