Shougo Ariake

Shougo Ariake

Gender: Male

Shougo Ariake was one of the first to admire Ken's karate skill and he highly looked up to him. He kept begging Ken to make him his apprentice but Ken refused. He eventually manages to convince Ken to make Shogo his apprentice, his one and only apprentice that he will teach his Asuka karate.

Later on Ken is getting a lot of hate and doubt from people in the Karate industry saying that his fight with the bull was fake which then really frustrates Shogo. Ken tries to teach Shogo that there are no personal fights in karate and that they should let them doubt and hate on Ken. This annoys Shogo even more until he then starts fighting and beating up doubters which makes Ken expel him.

Due to Shogo being Asuka's only apprentice he eventually becomes very strong with the strongest karate in the whole world. He seeks revenge on the Dojo's and people that had bad mouthed Ken and his karate and challenges every dojo. He beats everyone up in each dojo and eventually he becomes more and more evil. He starts beating up gang members and other people which then when the police come he also beats them up.
