

Birthdate: Oct 15
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Height:172 cm (5'7")

Alcryst is the second prince of Brodia. He is the son of King Morion and younger brother of the Crown Prince, Diamant. He has Lapis and his cousin Citrinne as his retainers.

Alcryst is apologetic to a fault and compares himself unfavorably to his exceptional brother, carrying a negative personality. He is self-deprecating over the slightest perceived inconvenience he creates and carries such low-self esteem that he vocally considers himself useless. He can be self-sacrificing on the battlefield, stating that it would be better for him to take the place of others on the front lines, despite being a bow specialist. Much of this can be attributed to growing up among people who compared him unfavorably to Diamant, leading him to believe they spoke the truth.
