Suzu Narumiya

Suzu Narumiya

Birthdate: Sep 13
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Height: 142 cm (4'8")

Suzu Narumiya is a member of the Hoshimi Production group Tsuki no Tempest. She is a student at Uruha Girls' Private School's middle school division and her image color is yellow.

Suzu is a confident, clumsy and easily teased young lady. Although she has a cocky and high-spirited attitude, she has an innocence towards idols and her clumsy side makes her hard to hate; she is warmly admired by the people around her. She visits Hoshimi Production as an escape from her own personal troubles. She is a devotee of Mana, calling her "Mana-sama" and collects her CDs and other goods.
