Suzune Amano

Suzune Amano


A girl who is a smiling, hard-working student at day, and a stoic magical girl hunter at night. She refuses to state her reasons for killing. Whenever she meets a magical girl, she asks for their name prior to killing them, and later puts writes their name on a paper and puts it in her pouch, a habit she picked up from Tsubaki.

She has a cold and callous nature and shows little remorse for killing others. Suzune is usually rather polite and respectful, even when about to kill somebody. Despite her statements that she's "doing the right thing", however, Suzune is still uncertain if she is or not.

Not much is known of her past home-life.

About a month before the events of Suzune Magica, Suzune left her hometown and moved to Hoozuki City, transferring to Akanegasaki Middle School and becoming a newspaper deliverer at Yunagi Newspaper, where she presently lives at.
