Takumi Hijirihara

Takumi Hijirihara

Gender: Male

A member of Future Foundation and is part of the 6th Division’s Special Case Bureau as an investigator. His partner is Misaki Asano. Takumi's alternative title is Killer Killer, a mysterious, bizarrely polite serial killer who exclusively targets murderers.

Takumi is sullen and eccentric. He enjoys hiding in dark and confined spaces, as he finds the atmosphere relaxing. In addition to his strangeness, he is also outwardly lazy and frequently attempts to have Misaki do the investigation work for the both of them. He's never ashamed of what he does and has no problem with telling people what he thinks about them. Despite this, he has strong deduction skills and is very observant. He falls in love very easily, which can cause him to lose his regular composure and become distracted by that person.

Takumi has a very strong appreciation for murderers and killings. He studies murderers and even rates their crimes. His ultimate resolution is to emulate the killer he narrowly escaped from as a child. Takumi gets extreme enjoyment out of killing, as he feels that is the fundamental trait that murderers should posses. Ordinary morality does not in any way matter to him; surprisingly, he feels disdain for perpetrators who have no regard for human life.

(Source: Danganronpa Wiki, edited)
