Tao Fa

Tao Fa

Birthdate: Sep 1
Age: 1000
Gender: Female/Male (Prefers the Female gender)

Race: Tensen
Tao Attribute: Wood
Occupation: Partial Ruler of Kotaku
Affiliation: Lord Tensen, Xu Fu

Tao Fa is a member of Lord Tensen, as well as one of the rulers of Kotaku.

Tao Fa is very cheerful and always seems to be in a good mood. Unlike the other members of Lord Tensen, Tao Fa is rather friendly towards humans, or at least ones that are willing to cooperate with Lord Tensen's plans. However, she still carries the same view of using them as tools and shows no signs of sympathy towards them. Because she specializes in Bōchū Jutsu, Tao Fa is quite vulgar and often likes to flirt with others.
