Tensei Iida

Tensei Iida


Quirk: Engine

Tensei Iida, also known as Turbo Hero "Ingenium", is the older brother of Tenya Iida and a former Pro Hero.

Outside of his hero armor Tensei looks much like his younger brother Tenya, with square features and short black spiked hair. A differing feature is that he possesses arrow-shaped eyebrows and has a slightly longer face.

Similar to his brother, he has engine exhausts protruding from his body, but out of the ends of his elbows instead of his calves.

Also in Illegals: Tensei meets with Koichi during an early morning run. Tensei is impressed with Koichi's Quirk and offers him a place in his agency, even expressing a desire for a sidekick with a fast mobility quirk. Later, when Tensei discovers Koichi has been working as a vigilante hero, he withdraws his offer to Koichi, but only because he believes him to be already in the right place.
