Tiona Rudolvon

Tiona Rudolvon

Age: 11
Gender: Female

The eldest daughter of Outland Count Rudolvon, who owns a territory in the southern frontier of the Tearmoon Empire. In the empire, the Outland Count is considered a lower class noble, and in order to overcome the adversity, she is a talented woman who not only studies but is also good at swordsmanship. Her family consists of her father, the head of the Rudolvon Outland Count family, and her brother Cyril Rudolvon, who is two years younger. She is also on good terms with her maid, Liora Lulu, beyond her master-servant relationship, and is fond of her.

In the previous timeline, she led the revolutionary army, became an empire's saint, and witnessed Mia's execution. Because of this, she is one of Mia's enemies along with Sion and Rafina.

In the timeline of the main story, due to her experience in the previous timeline, Mia initially wanted to avoid contact with Tiona, but after many twists and turns she was saved by Mia and became one of her admirers.
