Tsumugi Aoba

Tsumugi Aoba

Birthdate: Aug 7
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Unit: Switch
Club: Handicraft Club
Circles: BIBLION, Mystery Researchers

His good nature tends to result in him being burdened with various things. Tsumugi is quite the natural airhead and can be a little dense. Though he has a kind and calm personality, sometimes he is unable to read the room and acts or says things inappropriately. His singing voice is soft and warm, and his performances are light and gentle.

While he doesn't read the situation well within his own interactions, frequently showing a lack of empathy and tact, Tsumugi shows remarkable social awareness in several stories, commonly seen giving advice to others who often come to him for it. Other times, he's praised for his level-headedness, even in the face of unexpected consequences.

(Source: Ensemble Stars!! Wiki)
