Usagi Saionji

Usagi Saionji


The 35th Platoon's prodigious sniper with a crippling case of stage fright. She hails from a high-class family with ties to the Inquisition's higher ups.

Usagi is a simple girl with simple motivations to become a sanctioned Inquisitor. Her high-class upbringing has her speak with a very dignified and refined manner, a trait that is not fully "appreciated" in the platoon as she is treated like a child by nearly all of her teammates. Usagi is very quick to anger and her emotions are easily read on her expressive face. She is also very haughty but only to the extent when she accomplishes something noteworthy.

Her major problem lies in her anxiety and how it obscures her natural talent as a sniper. Thinking over a situation and how her mistakes might cost her teammate's life has her panic and unable to pull the trigger, essentially making her useless under pressure.

(Source: AntiMagic Academy Wiki)
