

Birthdate: Sep 2
Gender: Female

Nation's name: Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
Capital: Hanoi
Language: Vietnamese
National flower: Lotus
Human Name: Nguyen Kim Lien
Height: 158 cm (5'2"-5'3")

Vietnam is a strong girl with arched eyebrows who carries around a long paddle. She is almost always seen dressed in an Áo Dài (a traditional Vietnamese garment worn by women) and a Nón lá (leaf hat) with her hair tied up in a ponytail. In recent artwork, her hair was shown colored brown and her eyes colored gold. It has been shown that she is skillful by nature and is able to make several useful things due to this. Hidekaz Himaruya noted that Vietnam was depicted as being strong both mentally and physically because of Vietnam's history being influenced by several determined and strong women. In a sketch, Vietnam's ponytail was shown styled in different ways, such as with a clip, tied with flowers, etc.
