Xing Chen

Xing Chen

Birthdate: Aug 17
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Height: 174 cm

Holder of the Heart Lamp, and the sole remaining Exorcist, thus the Great Exorcist of his generation. After his master's death, he descended Mt. Hua to find his Protector and restore the missing spiritual qi of Heavens and Earth. Chen Xing is described as having "pure, beautiful rosy lips an a high nose bridge".

Chen Xing is a rather curious, trusting, and naive teenager, having only recently descended the mountain at the beginning of the novel under the protection of Iuppiter, allowing him to escape misfortune. He is also a nerd, liking to recite encyclopedic definitions and tell drawn-out stories, sometimes annoying his listeners in the conversation. Though overall optimistic, he is burdened by the knowledge of his exceedingly short lifespan and is sometimes hesitant about forming deep relationships as a result, not wanting to make those people even sadder by his inevitable early death.
