Yakov Feltsman

Yakov Feltsman


Yakov Feltsman is the coach of Yuri Plisetsky, Mila Babicheva, Georgi Popovich and Victor Nikiforov. He is 70 years old.

As a coach, Yakov is very strict with his skaters. He dislikes it when Victor disregards his instructions, even when it is to his advantage. He is quick to lecture his students about their mistakes, a trait that he unintentionally passes on to Victor.

Yakov seems to be a fatherly figure towards Yuri, supporting the young skater in his endeavours, and going out of his way to find a separate coach to train Yuri for his free skate. According to Victor, Yakov would be willing to extend help to Yuuri, if Yuuri were to only hug Yakov.

(Source: Yuri!!! On Ice Wikia)
