Yuu Kajima

Yuu Kajima

Gender: Male

Yuu Kajima is an Earth Federation pilot from the very beginning, participating in the Battle of Loum. In late U.C. 0078, he found a mostly intact Zaku in a colony; this discovery would be a great benefit to the Federation's V Project.

Yuu is the leader of the Marmot Team, one of the Federation's experimental corps who test new technologies before they're mass produced and distributed to the Federation Forces as a whole. After the events of the games, Yuu continued on as a Federation soldier for the rest of the One Year War. He remained with the Federation during the Gryps Conflict and first Neo Zeon movement, eventually ending up as a member of Londo Bell during the second Neo Zeon movement. His actions while piloting Blue Destiny 1 earned Yuu the nickname "Blue Death".
