Yuu Nozaki

Yuu Nozaki

Birthdate: Feb 22
Gender: Female

Grade-Class: 3-C
Club Name: Literary Club (never there)
Height: 139cm
Weight: 32kg
Family Composition: Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother, Younger Brother
Hobbies: Napping
Likes: Sleep, Her Great Grandmother, Cats
Dislikes: Exercise, Loud Noises, Annoying Things

Has Boyfriend: No
Boyfriend's Name/Class: -
Time in Relationship: -
Virgin / Not Virgin: Virgin

A lazy girl who hates having to do anything that requires any effort or time, and loves sleep more than anything. After school, she goes to the house behind hers, where her great grandmother lives, and takes a nap with her cats. At dinner time, she goes home, eats, and then goes to sleep.

She lacks any athleticism altogether, and while she doesn't study much, her grades are excellent. Many boys have asked her out, but she has turned them all down with the reason that it's "too much of a bother." The more interest one shows in her, the more she thinks it's a bother, so the trick is to use phrases like "I'll take care of you," or "I'll do that for you." She's weak to things that feel good, so she has a good impression of sexual counseling. Apparently she sleeps well after doing it.
