Yuu Takeyama

Yuu Takeyama

Birthdate: Aug 11
Age: 22
Gender: Female

Height: 162 cm (5'4")
Quirk: Gigantification
Occupation: Pro Hero
Fighting Style: Close Combat

Mount Lady is a young woman who seems to enjoy the attention that being a hero that gives her and she doesn't feel any remorse from having to take that fame from another hero while basking in the glory. However, she is not careless, as shown that she won't transform into her giant form in confined spaces in fear of destroying nearby buildings and she's careful when fighting a villain who has taken hostages. She is also shown to be vain as she uses her sex appeal to further her popularity. Even though she is vain, she has shown to be selfless as she stopped Mr. Compress from reaching Izuku's group even though she was heavily injured.

(Source: Wikia)
