Yuuko Kawashima

Yuuko Kawashima

Gender: Female

Grade-Class: 1-B
Club Name: Girl's Tennis Club
Height: 160cm
Weight: 50kg
Family Composition: Mother, Younger brother, Younger sister, Younger brother

Has Boyfriend: No
Boyfriend's Name/Class: -
Time in Relationship: -
Virgin / Not Virgin: Virgin

Kind with a caring personality. She's skilled at all manner of housework due to living in a family with lots of brothers and sisters. Has a tendency to be placed in the position of an elder sister/mother figure amongst people she knows because she gives off that kind of aura. While she seems straitlaced at first glance, she's actually quite perverted and spends a lot of time secretly looking at porn sites for women and masturbating (*Usually porn involving men forcing themselves on women or scenes where a woman is violated against her will by a group of men).
