Yuuna Takashima

Yuuna Takashima

Birthdate: Jan 11
Age: 14
Gender: Female

Height: 154cm
Grade: 2nd Year of Middle School

One of the Heroes of the first Hero team. Yuuna is a bright and energetic girl and can be thought of as the "mood maker of the team". She thinks friends and family are two of the most important things, and she is sensitive to other's feelings. Yuuna is also selfless and will throw herself into battle for her friends, even to her own detriment. However, she has a habit of hiding her own emotions.

When Yuuna is in Hero form, her weapon is the tekko. Hers, in particular, are imbued with a divine power called Ama-no-Sakate, a cursed from a land god with rage-filled hatred to destroy.
