


In the Third Century, in the area now known as Syria, she ruled as the Queen of the Palmyrene Empire. Palmyra was within the sphere of influence of the Roman Empire, but eventually, a vast region including Egypt was conquered, and the real ruler became Zenobia who, with her son, assumed the title of “Emperor”, intensifying their conflict with the Roman Empire. However, when the military emperor Aurelian ascended to the throne, he restored the Roman Empire, and his first military expedition as Emperor was to retake the Palmyrene Empire, and he took Zenobia captive. She made a humiliating spectacle at Aurelian’s triumphant return, fettered in dazzling golden chains, her body adorned in a multitude of gems, while she was dragged around Rome. After that, it is said she either died, or was made a Roman citizen and lived happily til the end of her days, but…?
