Zhu Jin

Zhu Jin

Birthdate: Sep 1
Age: 1000
Gender: Male/Female (Switches constantly)

Race: Tensen
Tao Attribute: Water
Occupation: Partial Ruler of Kotaku
Affiliation: Lord Tensen, Xu Fu

Zhu Jin is one of the rulers of Kotaku and one of the seven Lord Tensen.

Zhu Jin carries themselves with a calm and relaxed demeanor even when handling threats. Like their fellow Tensen, Zhu Jin has no sympathy for humans when it comes to killing them. Zhu Jin is also very perceptive of their opponents skills and can quickly adjust to them, causing them to become unfazed by whatever move they make. Zhu Jin can become easily irritated with troubling matters. Despite usually keeping a straight face at all times, when faced with an unbelievable crisis, Zhu Jin can break into a state of panic and fear and will take matters seriously.

Zhu Jin follows Gui Fa's example of taking the Middle Way in terms of the two sexes. Therefore, unlike the other Tensens, Zhu Jin does not carry a preference to either being male or female and allows themselves to switch in and out of the two chi's over time.
