

Gender: Male

Race: Human-Mutant
Abilities: Regeneration
S-Class: Rank 8
Affiliation: Hero Association

Personality: Zombieman is stated to be nihilistic, possibly due to the fact that he has "died" several times, therefore he is always calm. In addition, he prefers to work as a lone wolf and dislikes gathering, although he still respects common courtesy. However, he appears to have a sadistic side, since he enjoys killings that create rivers of blood, he is also shown to be a rather smart individual, with detective-like thinking. In comparison to the other S-Class heroes, Zombieman is more thoughtful and respectful.

Abilities: Zombieman possesses one of the best regeneration capabilities in the series. He is able to regenerate any part of his body no matter how severe the injury is, and he was able to heal his broken arms in an instant. He needs only a few minutes to recover from an extremely mutilated state and regrow his left arm, however this regeneration does not give Zombieman full immortality, as he will die if he is reduced to mincemeat. Zombieman has an incredible threshold for extensive physical activity, displaying one of the most impressive feats of stamina in the series and being able to fight for hours on end while his expedient recovery rate handles the more serious of injuries he suffers.
