Gender: Male

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His older sister is Yukiko Horiguchi.

Major illustration works:
- Kare Kanojo and Summon Magic (カレとカノジョと召喚魔法)
- Mary Rose (薔薇のマリア) - We AI (僕らA.I)
- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Black Series (神曲奏界ポリフォニカ ブラック・シリーズ)
- Girl with Radio Jamming (ラジオガール・ウィズ・ジャミング)
- Zoahanta (ゾアハンター) (with Junichi Osako, author of Polyphonica Black)
- Asuka
- Garouden Mahjon - (アスカ -麻雀餓狼伝-)
- All Death War (全死大戦)

Other works:
- Illustrations BUNBUN (illustration collection)
- Rondo of Swords (DS game - character designs)
- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonia THE BLACK (PC Game / Kinetic Novel - character designs).
