Kazuo Ebisawa

Kazuo Ebisawa

Gender: Male

Affiliated with ufotable, where he currently serves as the chief of the ufotable Art Department.

With a career spanning over 50 years in the anime industry, Ebisawa is recognized as one of the longest-serving background artists. He made his debut in 1969, contributing to the art staff of Himitsu no Akko-chan. Over the years, Ebisawa freelanced for various studios, leaving his artistic mark on iconic scenes in productions like Lupin III: Lupin vs. the Clone, Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?, and others.

In 1980, he took on the role of art director for Cyborg 009: Legend of the Super Galaxy, initiating a career in art direction for theatrical and OVA productions. Despite his reluctance for the position, he continued to contribute to notable works. After a hiatus from the role, he returned as art director for The Garden of Sinners: Chapter 4 – The Hollow Shrine in 2008.

Ebisawa's unique approach includes hand-drawing backgrounds using traditional methods like paper, brushes, and poster colors, a style that distinguishes him in an era dominated by digital techniques. Notably, he personally handled the majority of cuts in The Garden of Sinners: Chapter 4 – The Hollow Shrine.

In 2018, at the age of 65, Ebisawa expanded his role by taking on the position of art director for the anime series Today's Menu for the Emiya Family. His contributions extend beyond individual projects, as he plays a crucial role in training new talents at ufotable, As part of the training program for new staff, they are obliged to work exclusively on hand-drawn background art using poster colors, similar to Ebisawa's style, for a certain period after joining the company. This practice aims to improve the drawing skills of the art staff, resulting in the inclusion of hand-drawn backgrounds in many ufotable works. Throughout his career, Ebisawa's dedication to the artistry of animation has left an indelible mark on the industry.
