Megumi Nakajima

Megumi Nakajima

Gender: Female

Blood Type: A
Height: 157 cm (5'2")
Hobby: Collecting records, watching professional wrestling
Agency: Stay Luck

Profile | Website | Twitter | Youtube | Anison

Born of a Japanese father and a Filipino mother, Megumi was brought up in a "house filled with music" and grew up with the desire to sing. In 2003, she participated in the "Self Stardust Promotion" contest and passed, thereby affiliating her to the agency. In 2007, she auditioned to the Victor Entertainment sanctioned "Victor Vocal & Voice Audition" and won the role to voice Ranka Lee in Macross Frontier. She is also the voice provider for the Vocaloid, Megpoid.

She is affiliated with Stay Luck for voice acting and FlyingDog for singing.
