Run Girls, Run!

Run Girls, Run!


Website | Twitter | Blog (JP)

Formed: July 30, 2017

Run Girls, Run! (abbreviated as RGR) is an idol group created for the Wake Up, Girls! (franchise). Much like Wake Up, Girls!, the unit acts as a fictional group in the Wake Up, Girls! universe and also take part in real life idol activities. They made their first anime appearance in Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter.

Run Girls, Run! was formed through the "avex x 81 Produce Wake Up, Girls! AUDITION 3rd Anisong Vocal Audition". The group made their real life debut at the Wonder Festival "WONDERFUL HOBBY LIFE FOR YOU!!26" event by singing covers of 16-Sai no Agape and Tachiagare!.


Hayashi Koko(林鼓子)
Hayashi Koko who is born May 15, 2002 in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan is a voice actress (seiyuu) affiliated with the agency 81 Produce. She voices Hayashi Ayumi (速志歩) in the Wake Up, Girls! (franchise), starting with Wake Up, Girls! Shin Shou, which is in fact her first voice acting role.

Morishima Yuka(森嶋優花)
Morishima Yuka who is born March 16, 1997 in Kyoto, Japan is a voice actress (seiyuu) affiliated with 81 Produce. She voices Morishima Otome (守島音芽) in the Wake Up, Girls! (franchise), starting with Wake Up, Girls! Shin Shou, which is in fact her first voice acting role as well.

Atsugi Nanami(厚木那奈美)
Atsugi Nanami who is born October 11, 1997 in Nagano Prefecture, Japan is a voice actress (seiyuu) affiliated with 81 Produce. She voices Atsugi Itsuka (阿津木いつか) in the Wake Up, Girls! (franchise), starting with Wake Up, Girls! Shin Shou, which is in fact also her first voice acting role.

