Shouichi Taguchi

Shouichi Taguchi

Gender: Male

Spouse: Annabel (December 31, 2018-)

Website | Twitter | Instagram | Pixiv | YouTube {Shouichi Taguchi} | YouTube {Sentimental Vector}

Shouichi Taguchi is a Japanese mangaka, illustrator, vocalist, composer, arranger, music producer and member of the doujin circle Sentimental-Vector. He debuted in 2009 as a manga artist, and made his major debut as a musician in 2012 with the album Sheerlore, under the group Sentimental-Vector.

Taguchi currently releases music under his own name, as well as under the group Sentimental-Vector. He tends to work with the artist Annabel and her band siraph, but he has also worked with other musical artists such as Jin, sasakure.UK and school food punishment.

During his time in the band Sentimental Vector, he at one point made several guest vocal appearance in the Kagerou Project. He appeared in the song "Kagerou Daze", as a solo performer, and in the song "Toumei Answer", alongside the singer Annabel. Both songs were released in a collection of vocal guest appearances titled MEKAKUCITY M's: MEKAKUCITY ACTORS VOCAL & SOUND COLLECTION, as a part of the soundtrack for the anime Mekakucity Actors, however only the song "Kagerou Daze" was used in the show and aired as an insert song in the fourth episode. The songs lyrics, composition and arrangement were all done by Jin, also known as Shizen no Teki P.

On July 1st, 2020, after 4 years since releasing his last album, Taguchi released a new album titled "in other colors" featuring various music producers including Jin aka Shizen no Teki-P, sasakure.UK, the band siraph, bermei.Inazawa, Myu, LASTorder and Bassy. The album featured new original songs by Shouichi Taguchi and other rearranged versions of his older songs.
