Takahiro Sakurai

Takahiro Sakurai

Gender: Male

Height: 177 cm (5'9.75")

On September 24, 2022, it was revealed that Sakurai had been married to a former voice actress. And a month later it was reported that he was engaging in an extramarital affair with the writer of his radio program. His previously announced roles for AYAKA and Mononoke (Movie) had been recast as a result.

On March 31, 2023, it was jointly announced with his talent agency "Intention" that they are ending their contract, as Sakurai requested to leave as a way of taking sole responsibility of his actions and for self-reflection.

Non-Anime Roles:
-Passenger in "Arknights" (VG/Mobile) (Japanese)
-Su in "Honkai Impact 3rd" (VG) (Japanese)
-Cloud Strife in "FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE" (Japanese)
