Yasuomi Umetsu

Yasuomi Umetsu

Gender: Male

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Best known for creating Kite, a cult classic film, and its sequels.

After graduating from university, Umetsu began his career at Tsuchida Production, and later switched to Toei Animation, where he became particularly influenced by Masami Suda of Hokuto no Ken fame.

In 1998, the adult animation Kite gained a lot of support not only in Japan but also in Hollywood. In 1999, he worked on Castlevania 64 and made the character illustrations for the game. Umetsu released Mezzo Forte in 2000, Mezzo in 2004 and Kite Liberator in 2008. In 2009, Umetsu had several projects on his hands, most notably an anime film titled Kiss and Cry. The film took nearly five years to complete.
