Yoshimi Kanda

Yoshimi Kanda

Gender: Male

Yoshimi Kanda is a pen name of Hiroshi Ueda, a former employee of General Products and studio Gainax.

Originally, he was a member of the Kagawa University Sci-Fi Club. His connections in doujinshi circles paved his way to General Products. He later organized the magazine Cyber Comic and served as editor-in-chief. He left General Products after company cutbacks did away with its editorial department.

As a member of Gainax, he took on different roles when working on the shows produced by the studio. The anime where he arguably made the largest contribution was Otaku no Video: he was a producer, the director of the live-action segments, and also the author of the lyrics to the opening and ending songs.

Besides anime production, he was also involved in video game development. In particular, he wrote the scenario for Sega platformer Alisia Dragoon, which was co-developed by Gainax and Game Arts, and created the original concept design for SNES action platformer Xardion, which had Gainax listed in the credits as providing development and planning assistance.
