Yousuke Kaneda

Yousuke Kaneda

Gender: Male

Yousuke is a manga artist best known as the author of Boarding School Juliet.

He graduated from Osaka University of Arts in the Character Art and Design department. Later he started working as an assistant to Shizumu Watanabe before starting on his own manga Seiten High School Idol-Bu!.

During this time, he would use scenes from works such as Suzumiya Haruhi to practice his drawing by analyzing them and drawing them from different angles.

In 2010, Yousuke received an honorable mention with his oneshot work "Iceberg" (氷山) in Weekly Shonen Jump's 84th Newcomer Award.

Yousuke's first child was born on August 18, 2020. On August 25, 2020, he announced on social media that he had become a father.

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