Arisa Noto

Arisa Noto

Gender: Female

Height: 153 cm
Nicknames: のっち (Nocchi)
Close friends: Oose Kaede, Aoki Erina, Korenaga Miki, Yuuka Maeda
Hobby: Karaoke, collecting stamps, drawing, baking cakes
Favorite food: Fried shrimp, udon
Least favorite food: Tartar sauce, white fish (Atka mackerel, flatfish), walleye pollack
Dislikes: Waking up early

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Arisa Noto is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with talent agency and video production company Style Cube, while also being affiliated with entertainment content production and management company L&L Victor Entertainment, Inc.

Arisa Noto joined Hello! Project as a member of Hello! Pro Egg in June 2004 when she passed the auditions alongside thirty-two other girls. In June 2007, she joined the Gatas Brillantes H.P futsal team as a reserve player, alongside joining the pop girl group Ongaku Gatas with some of her teammates.
In August 2009, It was announced that Arisa would graduate from Hello! Pro Egg, becoming an Up-Front Egg during the 2009 Hello! Project Shinjin Kouen 9gatsu ~Yokohama JUMP concert.

As of July 2011, she left Up-Front Agency to be managed by Style Cube.

She is a founding member of StylipS.
