Kazuhiko Inoue

Kazuhiko Inoue

Gender: Male

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Kazuhiko Inoue is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator, who has become one of Japan's most well established voice actors since his debut in 1973.

Inoue is widely known for roles such as Kakashi Hatake in Naruto, Madara in Natsume's Book of Friends and Kars in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Inoue's early roles from the 1970s include Anthony in Candy Candy, and later as Joe in the 1979 remake of Cyborg 009. In the 1980s, Inoue's work ranged from the adult-oriented Oishinbo to the popular Tenkuu Senki Shurato for the younger generation.

Inoue does voices for anime, video games, drama CDs, Japanese-dubbed movies, and audio books. He has put out many LP and CD albums and has sung in various anime character albums. His most well-known songs are the ones related to the Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time series, which he has performed live on stage at voice acting events in Japan. In recent years, Inoue has also tried his hand in backstage work such as sound directing. He has set up his own voice acting agency and school, B-Box, to teach the next generation voice talents.

He was also a close friend of the late fellow voice actor Daisuke Gouri.

- 2009, Best Actor in Supporting Role in the 3rd Seiyuu Awards as Madara in Natsume's Book of Friends.

(Source: Wikipedia)








